An advertising campaign with striking visuals and the catchy tagline of 'Where's your Chapstick?', designed to start the conversation of where you keep your trusty Chapsticks so they're always to hand. It's common for the target audience (71% females at college-age) to have a Chapstick for different checkpoints - home, car, bag. And it's also common to take your home Chapstick to your car, or your bag Chapstick out at home and to suddenly find you're without! This campaign reminds you to check your Chapstick checkpoints so your lips are always happy.

Campaign location:

OOH, Social media

Condensed notes from the process:

Target Audience:

71% of their audience is female

Targets millennials with a focus on college-aged users

Aims to lead younger generations to differentiate chapstick from any other competitor brands

Social Media caption:

“Panic intensifies Lips have never felt drier”

“When you realise you’ve lost your chapstick, your lips…”

“Moved your car chapstick? Lips get instant hydration FOMO”

Visual Process

Experimenting with other visuals to start with to ensure i was heading in the direction I wanted to.


Concept ideas:

When you forget your chapstick, your lips suddenly crack up in seconds and they’re the driest they’ve ever been.

The time period between realising your chapstick is missing and finding it again is the driest lip period known to mankind.

The importance of having your Chapstick at certain checkpoints so you’re never without.

What is life like without Chapstick?

Very very dry, sore, cracked lips

Anxiety around talking to others as lips feel weird”

The main product I had in mind when creating this campaign was the 3 pack of Chapsticks that you can buy (rather than individually). They come in 3 flavours/colours - green, red and pink. I knew since i wanted three visual scenarios where it’s likely the target audience would want a chapstick available, I’d somehow look to tie in the colours to each visual piece. This idea enabled me to create three powerful, high-contrast designs that would stand out when used in OOH advertisements, or when scrolling through social media.

I ended up cutting out any excess usage of the Chapstick, since they’re already clearly displayed in each scene. I wanted to keep the ‘clutter’ minimal, so the scenes would create a more immersive atmosphere with little distraction.

After a discussion with another creative, we decided the colours didn’t pop enough and the storyline got lost in the darkness. Edits were then made to create a vibrant, wow-factor colour palette which helped the designs stand out.


The importance of having a chapstick for every checkpoint, and the best news is we sell them in a pack of 3!

Where’s your Chapstick?


Dry Lips? Forgotten Chapstick

Want to look hydrated? Chapstick

Sore lips? Cold weather,

Blue skies, beer gardens and dry lips

College parties,

Eyeliner on point, blowdried hair and chapped lips

Bag chapstick, home chapstick, car chapstick - the secret of nice lips

Don’t forget your checkpoint chapsticks

Checkpoint Chapsticks

My initial idea was around how when you realise you've misplaced your Chapstick, your lips have NEVER felt drier and it's all you can think about. Which got me thinking about a meme i had seen about how annoying it is when you move your 'car chapstick' to your bag by mistake and now you don't have a car Chapstick anymore. I had a vision of an illustrated strip showing each checkpoint where you'd usually keep a Chapstick. Their target audience is 71% female and their main focus is college-aged users, so i designed the imagery to fit in line with this. I made the colour theme of each image to match the flavoured chapstick in the scene (green, pink and red) The tagline 'Where's your Chapstick?' is where i've landed at so far... I thought I could use each image individually too and have it up on billboards and any other OOH, as well as socials. I think the tagline should get people a) checking their pockets or their chapstick locations to ensure it's not been misplaced, and b) may get a conversation going around 'where do you keep your chapsticks?'  I also thought it gave way to a good social media caption to go alongside it, something around 'panic intensifies' as you realise it's been moved, or about how your lips have suddenly never been drier as you search quickly for your Chapstick now you've been reminded (kinda like how when you start to think about breathing you have to manually breathe as it's in your head now).


Start a conversation around where you keep your Chapsticks

Common to have multiple for different places - there’s apopular meme around this

Where's Your ChapStick? dry lips intensifies with panic

Home, road, bag. HBR BRH

Where’s your chapstick, brh?